A bit about me

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Ronnie. I am a 24 year old living in Colorado with the love of my life and our two fur babies, Sora and Roxas (yes, like the Kingdom Hearts characters!). I am originally from the suburbs of Chicago, but made the big move to Colorado in 2016 for a fresh start and to make some positive changes in my life!

For years, I’ve been bouncing the idea around in my head to start a blog but it just never seemed realistic. I’d always tell myself, “but what would you write about?!” I’ve always had this dream for myself that if I could do one thing in life, it would be to make a positive impact on at least one person. As time has gone on, and I’ve had the life experiences I’ve had, I finally decided to be bigger than my anxiety and start this blog. Every day for me is a new learning lesson on how to stay positive when it seems like the whole world, and even your own brain, is against you. So this is my way of passing what I’m learning on to the rest of the world. If even one person benefits from what I post here, I have succeeded.

So stick around and bear with me while I learn the ropes of blogging and let me know if there is any specific topic you’d like to see me write about here!

❤ Ronnie

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